Welcome to EOcrops’s documentation!#

EOCrops gives you an easy way to access products at the field-level from different providers to download satellite images (Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2) and agroclimatic data.

EOCrops has the following primary features:

  • Download Earth Observation data from SentinelHub SentinelHub API

  • Download VHRS data from VHRS data

  • Download weather data from Meteoblue

  • Advanced features for vegetation monitoring (vegetation indices, biophysical parameters, spatiotemporal features, …)

  • End-user features (thermal time, feature engineering, …)

EOCrops overview


Register a SentinelHub account to one or more providers and copy/paste your API keys, and then downloading Sentinel 2 Level-2A products is as simple as:

import geopandas as gpd
from eocrops.input import utils_sh as utils_sh
from eocrops.input import sentinel2 as sentinel2

api = ""
client_id = ""
client_secret = ""
config = utils_sh.config_sentinelhub_cred(api, client_id, client_secret)
# Provide here your planet API key if you have it
config.planet_key = ""

# Field boundaries
shapefile = gpd.read_file('your_path_shp')

#Meta info
time_period = ("2020-02-15", "2020-08-15")
kwargs = dict(polygon=shapefile_input, time_stamp=time_period, config=config)

# Get your EOPatch for Sentinel-2 !
patch = sentinel2.workflow_instructions_S2L2A(
    path_out=None,  # you can specify here a path to save the EOPatch object
    interpolation={"interpolate": True}

Module content#


Indices and tables#